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Scatter Text

Status: The code for this graphic is 90% complete. Now we are just fine tuning. 

This is as much art as it is data. Right now we are looking at the mapping of positive and negative words, according to term frequency. This data needs to be cleaned.

The Growth of Oasis

Status: T

Now we are zoomed out past the individual stories to the larger trends. In these graphics you can see the growth of Oasis, first by each country and then 

Affect Grid

Status: The code for this graphic is 90% complete. Now we are just fine tuning. 

We are looking at the Affect Grid, a very simple way of mapping our stories across two scores: emotion & engagement. This gives us four quadrants to consider, along with a whole mess of stories in the middle that didn't get score when they were put into Oasis.

Our Principles

Status: The code for this graphic is 90% complete. Now we need to adjust some of the hover text and work on the labelling. 

Here you will find the summaries of the stories looking at several different ways to slice them. This far zoomed out we are losing sight of the individual stories that are being told, and are beginning to zoom in on different stories that live inside the WE Program. Ours.

Our Topics 

Status: The code for this graphic is 90% complete. Now we need to adjust some of the hover text and work on the labelling. 

Here we are looking at the topics that make up our stories. What patterns do you see?

Zoom Out

Statistically Significant Results!

Coming soon!

Start by reading a few stories... 

...then keep scrolling up or down!

Zoom In

Don't worry, this isn't a mistake. Both of the graphs are indeed the same. This is an easy way for you to compare countries across some of our categories.

Country Comparisions

Status: The code for this graphic is 70% complete. Now we need to build a bit more interactivity to let you explore across different categories. 

Don't worry, this isn't a mistake. Both of the graphs are indeed the same. This is an easy way for you to compare countries across some of our categories.

Coming soon!

Statistically Significant Results!

Zoom In
Perspectives by Country

Status: The code for this graphic is 95% complete. Now we are just fine tuning.

This chart has two views of the same data. The first panel shows you the raw totals for the perspectives harvested by each country. The second shows the percentage share of each perspective in each country.

Words We Use

Status: The code for this graphic is 95% complete. We already have a fix in place for supervisor/supervisors and can add any stop words with ease.

What words should we add to our stop words list (to exclude from analysis)?


How might we add colour categories to this chart?


What words surprise you?

You've zoomed in as far as you can go...

©2019 by Connor McMullen. Proudly created with

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