Through the Screen
A daily dose about learning to live with our new reality in the best way we can. A short podcast to start your day and build our community, one story at a time.
By Connor McMullen for TU Delft's
Multi-Actor Systems Department.
A Conversation with Jason
A one-hour discussion of how philosophy, nature and humanity are changing as we live through the screen.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
The beginning of a chat with an EPA Master's student about our biggest questions
What happens when the way we use our physical space changes.
Who is responsible for success, and failure, of our biggest ideas?
The shifting nature of right and wrong in times of crisis.
Closing the conversation by coming full circle to climate change.
Latest Episodes
How table-top role playing games lives on through the screen, with excerpts from a recent adventure.
Older episodes down this way.
These first eight episodes cover lots of ground, but all of them highlight different ways we are adjusting to life through the screen.
Episode 008
Episode 007
Where discuss with Xandra Tober yoga and the connections we make working together inside our buildings.
Audio are excerpts from field recordings made by Bruce Miller in India, remixed under the Creative Commons License.
Episode 005
A short update about what is going to be on this channel in the next month: more of your stories told in new ways as we explore life through the screen, one very deep conversation, and what I've been doing the past few months.
Episode 006
Where we call Kenny Meesters at the heart of the nation's emergency response network to talk about why he's thinking about things like firefighter certification, and what we can we can do to help.
A new twist on a classic myth, with a one minute on the use of symbolic characters in storytelling.
Episode 003
Episode 004
A story about leadership, stress and how one student is adapting in a creative way.
Music originally by Komiku, remixed under the Creative Commons license.
Where we discuss the challenges of running a workout session through the screen with local fitness guru Natalia Kadenko and learn why a fitness routine is so important now more than ever.
Episode 002
Episode 001
Where we talk with Trivik Verma about his experiences with the teaching platform BigBlueButton.
Where we hear about how this project got started and talk with Mikhail Sirenko about how he and the rest of the "EPA Support Group" stays connected with Jitsi.